Triff Deinen neuen Angestellten
Olexandr Kostiuk
Arbeitserfahrung: 13 jahre
Serhii Talipov
Arbeitserfahrung: 9 jahre
- Elektrische Installationen im Umfeld Kaufhäuser, Supermärkten, Wärmekraftwerken, öffentlichen Einrichtungen und Fabriken
Arbeitserfahrung: 31 jahre
- explain to you how all this mistaken idea
- avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure
- physical exercise, except to obtain
- has no annoying consequences
Bauelektriker 2
Arbeitserfahrung: 31 jahre
- explain to you how all this mistaken idea
- avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure
- physical exercise, except to obtain
- has no annoying consequences
Bauelektriker 3
Arbeitserfahrung: 31 jahre
- explain to you how all this mistaken idea
- avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure
- physical exercise, except to obtain
- has no annoying consequences
Bauelektriker 4
Arbeitserfahrung: 31 jahre
- explain to you how all this mistaken idea
- avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure
- physical exercise, except to obtain
- has no annoying consequences
Bauelektriker 5
Arbeitserfahrung: 20 jahre
- explain to you how all this mistaken idea
- avoids pleasure itself, because it is pleasure
- physical exercise, except to obtain
- has no annoying consequences